8:45 am
Webinar Waiting Room Opens
8:50 am
Opening Remarks
9:00 am
Cyber Insurance: Challenges, Opportunities, and the State of the Industry
Cyber is a formidable risk, posing complex challenges for companies, governments, and society at large. What can organizations do to become more confident in managing cyber risk, how and where do you invest to mitigate the threat to your balance sheet, and how do you retain the best talent to accomplish those goals? We delve into the obstacles and opportunities that this rapidly developing risk brings to the playing field.

Judith Branham
Managing Director

Neal Jardine
Senior General Adjuster, Cyber Practice Leader for North America
Crawford & Company Inc.

Greg Markell
President & CEO
Ridge Canada Cyber Solutions Inc.
10:15 am
10:30 am
Communities in an Integrated World
The past two years have shown us the importance of a sturdy supply chain for organizations, communities, and countries. Increasingly, keeping the supply lines moving relies not just on physical mechanisms, but virtual ones as well. In Communities in an Integrated World, experts on the front lines will examine risks and best practices at the country, province, and community level.

Stephanie Rackley-Roach
Director of Corporate Performance/CIO
City of Saint John

Bob Gordon
Strategic Advisor
Canadian Cyber Threat Exchange
11:45 am
12:30 pm
Tail Risks Arising from Our Interconnected World
While earthquakes and floods may always loom large in catastrophe concerns, it isn’t just the physical environment we have to worry about anymore. Our interconnected systems and technological advances set the stage for things to ‘go wrong’ as never before. The past two years have given us a sample of what a truly global catastrophe can look like. From cyber to solar flares, what else is on the horizon, how vulnerable are we, and how do we prepare for the unpredictable?

Rachel Anne Carter
Director of Cyber
The Geneva Association

Jess Fung
Managing Director, North American Cyber Analytics Lead
Guy Carpenter

Scott Stransky
Managing Director, Head of the Cyber Risk Analytics Center of Excellence
Marsh McLennan

Jean-Raymond Kingsley
SVP and Chief Agent
Odyssey Re
1:45 pm
2:00 pm
Keynote Address
Systems, Uncertainties, & Cyberthreats: Some Reflections
The world seems more complex than ever before. At every level there is much talk of system changes and systemic issues. Uncertainties about the future abound as multiple crises seem to converge. Dr. Nabil Harfoush, Director of the Resilience Design Lab at OCAD University offers some reflections on systems thinking, the future, and cyberthreats, in the context of strengthening communal and organizational resilience.

Keynote Speaker
Nabil Harfoush
Associate Professor, Strategic Foresight & Innovation and Director, Resilience Design Lab
OCAD University
3:00 pm
Closing Remarks
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