Alain Thibault
Chairman and President & CEO at CADRI
Since his retirement from full-time employment in 2010, Alain Thibault has served in different capacities as a consultant to the insurance industry. He has been helping the Insurance Bureau of Canada in developing its strategy with respect to natural catastrophes. He also serves as the Chair and CEO of the Canadian Association of Direct Relationship Insurers (CADRI). His career has spanned 40 years in various industry, government and consulting roles. Mr. Thibault spent 25 years at TD Insurance/Meloche Monnex where he was the CEO from 1999 to his retirement in 2010, with responsibility for TD Bank’s overall auto, home and life and health insurance operations.
Mr. Thibault has served on several volunteer and industry boards and is the immediate-past Chair of Toronto Distress Centres and a Director of the Laval University Foundation. He is a graduate of Laval University and a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society. He is a resident of Toronto.