Carolyn Rennie
Managing Director at Catastrophe Indices and Quantification Inc.
Carolyn Rennie is the Managing Director for Catastrophe Indices and Quantification Inc. (CatIQ). Since 2014, Carolyn has managed the daily operations of CatIQ including reporting on natural & man-made catastrophes within Canada using GIS and meteorological tools, surveying the insurance industry on associated losses, and monitoring weather on the comprehensive CatIQ platform. Carolyn also organizes the annual CatIQ Canadian Catastrophe Conference (C4).
Before joining CatIQ, Carolyn worked as a Physical Scientist for the Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment Canada. Carolyn studied Atmospheric Science at York University attaining an Honours Bachelor of Science, a Certificate in Meteorology and a Certificate in GIS and Remote Sensing in 2012. In 2015 she finalized her Masters of Science in Earth & Space Science at York University focusing on Radar Meteorology. Carolyn is an outdoor enthusiast whose passions include severe weather, GIS, and research.