David P. Laplante, Ph.D
Research Associate at Douglas Mental Health University Institute
Dr. Laplante is a Research Associate at the Douglas Institute Research Centre. He collaborates with Dr. Suzanne King as a Co-Investigator on several research studies, and is the Project Manager on three large, federally funded prospective longitudinal studies: Project Ice Storm, the Iowa Floods Study, and the 2011 Queensland Flood Study. All three studies are aimed at assessing the effects of disaster-related prenatal maternal stress on cognitive, behavioral, and physical outcomes from birth through adulthood. Dr. Laplante earned his Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from the University of Windsor in 1996, where his primary area of research was in assessing the visual processing abilities in neonates. Dr. Laplante was a Medical Research Council of Canada funded Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Groupe de recherche sur l’inadaptation psychosociale chez l’enfant (GRIP), Université de Montréal between 1996 and 2001, where he was involved with the Québec Twin Study.