Dickie Whitaker
Chief Executive at Oasis Loss Modelling Framework
Dickie Whitaker has 30 year’s experience in the Re(In)surance business and for the last 20 years has specialised in risk and innovation and linking academia, government and finance. Dickie has written and presented extensively on these subjects and has operated globally and has worked in both London and New York. He has co-founded and works for The Lighthill Risk Network, FiNexus Ltd, Oasis Palm Tree Ltd, The Oasis Hub and is chief executive of Oasis Loss Modelling Framework Ltd. He also works with and advises the following organisations:
• NERC’s Innovation Advisory Board,
• Satellite Applications Catapult Advisory Group
• South West Centre of Excellence Board – SAT APPS
• The Institute for Environmental Analytics (IEA)
• Insurance Development Forum (IDF) Risk modelling and management steering group.