Kurt C. Kornelsen
Network Manager at Water Resources at Ontario Power Generation
Kurt C. Kornelsen is the Network Manager of the NSERC Canadian FloodNet, a multi-institutional research network that aims to enhance flood forecasting and management capacity in Canada.
Dr. Kornelsen completed his PhD in the School of Geography and Earth Science at McMaster University where he studied the integration of remotely sensed information into physically based hydrological models, optimization of hydrometric networks and groundwater-surface water interactions.
The NSERC Canadian Network is a strategic research network whose aim is to become a vehicle for a concerted nation-wide effort to enhance flood forecasting and management capacity in Canada. The FloodNet team is comprised of 20 academic researchers from 12 Canadian universities joined by 32 private and public sector partners. By connecting those with interests in water resource management directly with research FloodNet is ensuring follows a research agenda driven by end-user needs.
The main objectives of the FloodNet research program are to advance knowledge on flood regimes and provide guidelines for infrastructure design; to advance knowledge on flood forecasting systems and enhance flood forecasting in Canada; and to assess the impacts of floods on people, society and the environment.